This project was something I had some trouble thinking though before I shot what I did. I feel like for me this was a representation of what my mom does throughout the day for a while she wasn’t working due to COVID-19. I wanted to show the boredom of my mom while she waits for my dad at home as well as the things she does with me or my sister outside or when we relax and eat or drink tea and chill outside. My mom has always been a busy person as she has to be for the job she has. She is a housekeeper for a private family and of course they always have her on her toes so seeing her not really knowing what to do throughout the day is kinda weird to me. Sometimes if we don’t clean our rooms she’ll bust in and just start rearranging the beds and washing clothes and sheets or she’ll be in bed and watch Hulu or Netflix all day. I hope through these photos some might grasp the boredom of my mom as she not so patiently waits for my dad.